Tuesday 22 January 2008

22 January 2008

Bags under eyes a plenty at the table this morning... Monday night is always swimming lessons for Bob and Wendy and myself and Mr Hubbard played badminton till late with 3 other couples. Fun, but to regret this morning when the alarm went off.

Alas, it seems tiredness does not affect Bob's breakfast wisdom. Only one spoon into his porridge we were faced with today's prize winning question...

" Mummy, when you take your stocks and shares out, is the money still yours or someone elses?"

Cue Mr H choking on his branflakes and asking Bob to repeat the question just to make sure he'd heard correctly before giving an explanation of how the Bank of England makes new coins, which was fascinatiing but did not entirely (or even nearly) answer the question.

As parents, we hardly ever answer the questions in depth for him. Mainly because we don't know the answer, or we can't think of how to explain it in child friendly terms. But I do wonder if we'd be better off just answering it as we would had an adult asked it. Maybe that would stop all the follow on questions which tend to get progressively harder.

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