Saturday 26 January 2008

Saturday 26 January 2008

I had a lie in today and missed breakfast. It's very rare, so don't begrudge me it. However, I do have an old breakfast snippet, from a couple of weeks ago. It was the reason I started this blog - prior to that I arrived at uni every day and told my study group what happened at breakfast. Someone suggested I start a blog so other people could giggle at my kids' expense. I think they might have been getting a teensy bit bored of me.

Wendy: "When did Jesus die?"

Me: "About 2000 years ago"

Bob: "But why do we celebrate Easter?"

Me: "Christians believe Jesus came back to life again, around Easter time"


Wendy: "Mummy... that's really not normal is it, to come back to life?"

Bob: "Yes, but Wendy, he's the Son of God"

Wendy: "Oh"

Bob's latest view is slightly more accurate than his previously held believe that Jesus rose from the dead because he was (is) a superhero "a bit like Sporticus from Lazytown".

And still on the God theme, it makes sense to throw another one in because we're on the subject. Bob was rather confused when he visited my parents church and picked up on the fact that people were referring to God being all around. So he asked my dad in a toddler's whisper "Where is he then? Is he that one?" and pointed to a man in the congregation. It obviously wasn't a successful whisper because a different man sat a few rows away looked round and helpfully pointed out "No, it's that one over there". Bob now thinks God is tall, grey haired and around eighty years old with hairy eyebrows and a nice warm waistcoat.

And another thing: with one set Christian and one set Muslim grandparents, the God issue is understandably perplexing for a five year old. We're still stumped by "is nanna's God the same as Bibi's Allah?". Answers on a postcard please.

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